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Displaying items by tag: Bluray

We’ve got some very fun announcement news for you guys today...

First up, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has set an 8-disc The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection for Blu-ray release on 4/29! It will include State Fair, both the Todd-AO and Cinemascope versions of Oklahoma, Carousel, and The King and I, all of which are new to Blu-ray. In addition, the set will include The Sound of Music and both the theatrical and Extended Roadshow versions of South Pacific. SRP is $199.99, but Amazon has it available for pre-order for just $73.99 or 63% off. You’ll find the cover art and the Amazon pre-order link below.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, just a quick one today as there’s not a ton of news...

First, Tim’s turned in two more Scream Factory Blu-ray reviews for you to check out: The Incredible Melting Man and Witchboard. Enjoy!

Definitely the big release announcement today is that Warner Home Video has set Spike Jonze’s Her for Blu-ray Combo, DVD and digital release on 5/13 (SRP $35.99 for the Blu-ray). Extras on the Blu-ray will include 3 featurettes (The Untitled Rick Howard Project, How Do You Share Your Life with Somebody, and Her: Love in the Modern Age).  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got two more Blu-ray reviews for you today: Our own Tim Salmons continues his Scream Factory marathon with a look at their recent Cat People: Collector’s Edition and also Beneath. Enjoy!

In release news today, the best announcement is that HBO has officially set True Detective: Season One for Blu-ray and DVD release on 6/10 (SRP $79.98 and $59.99). We’ll post additional details as they become available. Great damn show – we highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet. And with only 8 episodes, it’s an easy binge watch.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, I’m getting a little bit of a late start today after spending the morning at the dentist. Yeah. One of those days.

Anyway, the big news for today is that Criterion has officially revealed their June BD/DVD slate and, though it’s getting cliché to keep saying it every month, it’s another great list of titles. It starts with new HD updatings of Douglas Sirk’s All That Heaven Allows (Spine #95) and Michelangelo Antonioni’s L’Eclisse (Spine #278) on 6/10, followed by an updating of Peter Davis’ Hearts and Minds (Spine #156), the new Georges Franju’s Judex (Spine #710), and an updating of Peter Weir’s Picnic at Hanging Rock (Spine #29) on 6/17. As if that wasn’t great enough, Richard Lester’s The Beatles: A Hard Day’s Night (Spine #711) rounds things out on 6/24. SRP for each of them is $39.95. Be sure to visit for a complete list of all the great extras. Meanwhile, you’ll find the cover artwork below.  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents
Tuesday, 18 March 2014 13:15

Burnt Offerings For March 18, 2014

This week, the wild world of MOD brings us new titles from Warner Archive, some returning favorites from Paramount (via Warner Archive) and some highly desired classics from 20th Century Fox. As always, Warner Archive discs are available from Ye Olde Warner Shoppe, just a click away thanks to banner magic, and Fox discs are purchasable from I’m sure there’s something somewhere on this page that’ll get you there.  [Read on here...]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We’ve got a couple things for you here at The Bits today...

First, our own Tim Salmons has turned in a pair of new Shout! Factory Blu-ray reviews, including The Slumber Party Massacre and the new Darkman: Collector’s Edition. Both are well worth a look. Enjoy the reviews!  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

First up today, Dr. Jahnke has turned in a new An Honor to Be Nominated installment of his regular Jahnke’s Electric Theater column here at The Bits, taking a look back at the Coen Brothers’ A Serious Man. It’s a good read about a film that we here at The Bits happen to think is one of the Coens’ best. Anyway, Jahnke’s take is definitely worth your time, so do check it out. Enjoy!

We’ve also got more new announcement news today, but first... for those of you interested in the new Cosmos TV series on Fox, the title just went pup for pre-order on As we first reported last week here in The Bits, 20th Century Fox is currently working on the release, which we expect to be announced for Blu-ray and DVD in the weeks ahead. You’ll find Fox’s preliminary cover art below. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents
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