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All right, as we wait for official X-Files Blu-ray news from Fox, our own Tim Salmons has just posted today’s Halloween Hangover Blu-ray review – a look at the James Clark’s Madhouse (1974), starring Vincent Price. The film is now available from Kino Lorber.
Speaking of The X-Files, there’s been no official announcement yet today, but New York Comic-Con starts tomorrow, so it’s very likely that an official announcement will be by the end of the weekend. It’s even possible that Fox will be taking pre-orders for the set this weekend tied to the Con (they frequently do at San Diego Comic-Con. So we should know more very soon. [Read on here…]
Now then, we have a couple other quick piece of announcement news...
AMC and Anchor Bay have set Fear the Walking Dead: The Complete First Season for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/1. Amazon has a listing for the title, but they aren’t taking pre-orders yet. I would expect details will be released this weekend as well.
Also, HBO has just revealed the official cover artwork for Game of Thrones: The Complete Fifth Season, due on Blu-ray and DVD on 3/15 (SRP $39.95 and $34.95). Here it is...

All right, that’s it for now. We’ll be back later if any news breaks. Stay tuned...
- Bill Hunt