My Two Cents

Displaying items by tag: ID4 4K

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

Today’s update is a quick one, as I’m trying to get more 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray reviews completed for you guys. But available now here at The Bits (and posted late yesterday) are my thoughts on Fox’s Independence Day: 20th Anniversary Edition and Paramount’s Star Trek (2009). The former streeted last week. The latter should be available today, though we’re hearing reports that supplies are limited at the moment. (If I had to guess why, I would guess that maybe Paramount’s initial replication run was lower until they had a better idea what initial demand would be. But that’s just a guess.) In any case, enjoy the reviews and know that I’m working on a review of Star Trek Into Darkness as well. I should also have Fox’s The Martian: Extended Edition shortly and so that’ll be next up.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

It’s been a little crazy here the last couple days. Review product for ID4, Star Trek, and Star Trek Into Darkness in 4K Ultra HD has arrived and I’m starting to work on my reviews of each. I’m going to try to post at least one of them today, and maybe another tomorrow. The Martian: Extended Edition should be here early next week, so I’ll get to work on that one too as soon as it comes in.

Meanwhile, we expect to check back in tomorrow with a rare Saturday post featuring a new History, Legacy & Showmanship anniversary retrospective column from our own Michael Coate. So be sure to check back then.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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