Gripe Soda
Howdy folks! July is cooking on by, isn’t it? Here we are at the mid-way point and it feels like it was June yesterday. But never mind that, you’re not here to hear about my thoughts on time passage dynamics. You’re here to see what’s streetin’ this week. Not much it turns out, but there are some choice cuts. let’s check them out, shall we? [Read on here…]
It’s Comic-Con week, it’s Comic-Con week, it’s Comic-Con week. Odds are, right now as you read this, I’m drunk somewhere in California. If you’re a bettin’ folk, make that bet. This week is chock-a-block with titles of varying awesomeness in their field of genre - all across the board there’s something cool. Sci-fi: check. Horror: check. Fantasy: check. Foreign: check. TV: check. I’m not kidding you. Check this shiznit out! [Read on here…]
It’s June, 2014. Geez time is flying bye. Soon it’ll be time for Comic-Con and all that walking and spending. So much walking and spending. In this time of resting and saving, I present to you some Blus to while the time away with. Sorry for my absence last week, but life got in the way. This week sees some classics getting remastered and a few blockbuster new releases. More a fan of the classics in this week’s list myself, but to each his own, right? [Read on here…]
It’s May! Hooray! That means the start-up of a bountiful run of movies on home media. This month is seeing a lot of catalog re-releases and that’s what we’ll be looking at this week. Only a few new release titles with a whole bunch of remastered goodness filling up the back-end. And away we go!
Let’s look at the new stuff worth mentioning this week first: [Read on here…]
So, I got super sick this weekend and I’m still reeling a bit from it, so. This is a) going up a bit late and b) going to be light and loose. I believe you deserve to know what is coming out this week that I think is awesome, so that’s why I’m trying to get this in front of your eyes. Next week will be better – I promise. [Read on here…]