Gripe Soda
Sniff... it’s the last street date in September. So long old friend. But never fear, little ones, it’s also the first week of October and thus the beginning of my favorite time of the year. Halloween is just the bee’s knees, ain’t it? I have a whole slew of fond memories going back -cough- years and so many favorite things that only come out at this time of year. Mostly food, but other stuff too. You’ll probably see me get nostalgic as the month wears on. But I’ll try and keep a cap on it.
This is a light week, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some great titles coming. This week’s the list starts with probably biggest title of the month, maybe even the biggest title time of year! That title... [Read on here…]
Fall is here officially in the US, so I guess the heat wave attacking California can shut the eff up now. Let’s all hope for small miracles, huh?
This week is all about the Blu upgrade re-releases and horror titles. Lots of good stuff, couple of “eh” – so let’s take a look at what I think you should look at this week. [Read on here…]
Thanks to everyone who has checked in on me about my bum foot – it’s doing much better. I can actually walk now (with a sexy limp, thank you very much) and I’ve only needed to dip into my pain meds a little (I’m not a fan of pain pills). That’s put me in front of the TV a lot these last few weeks and what did I choose to watch, you may ask? I watched every friggin’ minute of Trailer Park Boys. Holy smoley that is a fun show. It gets derivative, but there’s a certain charm to the formula and they seem to know it because they kinda just put it right out there. Considering there are 8 seasons and 3 movies (and a special) on Netflix, I’d say you could do worse with your life if you’re bedridden. I mean, sure, build a boat if you have full use of your body – but if you’re feeling sorry for yourself and don’t feel like making a downstairs hike to your disc library – it’s a good call. As for the ‘fore-mentioned discs – there are a few shining stars out this week and a whole slew of upgrade rereleases deserving your attention. Let’s spotlight, shall we? [Read on here…]
Sorry to hit you guys a little late this week. I blew out my ankle right before a long holiday weekend and wasn’t able to see a doctor until yesterday. Immobility sucks. Unending pain sucks. Getting old sucks. But because I’m the cool older cousin you all deserve, I wanted to chime in in-between bouts of sobriety and numbness while I could. It’s going to be a short one, but it’s something.
Though, when we get to the end, you’ll see why I told Bill I wasn’t willing to take a by-week. [Read on here…]
Whoooo-hooo! Pain medicine is awesome! Applesauce jet plane ambrosia salad peter built trucks. What was I saying? I have no idea. But it was important, so you should all heed that advice. Also: sandwiches can’t fly. Unless they’re reubens. Bill knows what I’m talking about.
Let’s get to this week’s releases that I think deserve your attention. [Read on here…]