Displaying items by tag: Bluray

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Well... we’re closing out the week here at The Bits with a little bit of release news, plus more fallout from Al Jean’s “no more Simpsons on DVD” tweet from yesterday. By the way, we’ve learned that this does apply to Blu-ray too. As you can imagine, a LOT of fans of the show, who have loyally supported the series on Blu-ray and DVD over the years, aren’t terribly happy today. Completely aside from the fact that it looks like Fox is backing away from continuing to release yet another much-loved and wanted series on physical media, there are many fans who have spent many hundreds of dollars to buy the previous individual season Blu-ray and DVD sets.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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Okay, we have a bit of major news for you today and it’s damn depressing...

Al Jean, who is the producer of The Simpsons, has just tweeted that Fox has no plans to release more seasons of The Simpsons on DVD (no word yet on Blu-ray, but it’s possible this includes all physical disc formats). [Late Update: Yes, that means Blu-ray too.] Jean apparently holds out hope of a possible Complete Series set on DVD one day, when the show is done, but frankly I’m not sure we here at The Bits do. [Late Update: We don’t.] What with their MIA Blu-ray plans for The Abyss and True Lies, not to mention The X-Files: The Complete Series, Buffy: The Complete Series, and 24: The Complete Series, just to name a few, it’s getting harder and harder not to look at Fox as THE studio that’s leading the charge to kill physical media completely.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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First things first today: We’ve updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork and Amazon.com pre-order links. As always, whenever you order anything at all in the same shopping session after clicking to Amazon through any of our links, a portion of your purchase goes to help support our work here at The Bits and it really does make a difference. So we appreciate it!

Also here at The Bits today, we have a new Blu-ray review from our own Joe Marchese, featuring Twilight’s recent Blu-ray release of Stormy Weather, a classic musical from 1943. Do check it out.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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All right, we’ve got even more big title announcements for you this afternoon...

First, Warner Home Video has officially set Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper for Blu-ray Combo and DVD release on 6/30 (SRP $44.95 and $28.98). Extras on the Blu-ray will include a pair of behind-the-scenes documentaries, including The Making of American Sniper and One Soldier’s Story: The Journey of American Sniper. By the way, some of you will be glad to learn that the Blu-ray will include a 7.1 audio mix compatible with Dolby Atmos.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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We’ve got some big title announcements to catch you up on today...

First up, Disney, Fox and Lucasfilm have announced that Star Wars: The Digital Movie Collection will be available for download on Amazon, iTunes and elsewhere starting this Friday, 4/10 (SRP $89.99). For that price, you’ll get all six Star Wars films (the Original Trilogy is confirmed to be the same versions as were on the Blu-ray release) along with both new and legacy bonus material that varies by retailer. The legacy content is taken from the most recent BD releases. However, the new content includes 6 Conversations featurettes (Doug Chiang Looks Back, Sounds in Space, The Star Wars That Almost Was, Creating a Universe, The Lost Interviews, and The Effects) and 6 Discoveries from Inside featurettes (Models & Miniatures, Costumes Revealed, Hologram & Bloopers, Weapons & The First Lightsaber, Matte Paintings Unveiled, and The Sounds of Ben Burtt).  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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We’ve just posted an in-depth review of John Carpenter’s Escape from New York, soon to be released on Blu-ray Collector’s Edition from Scream Factory. I wrote the new Blu-ray specific portions, pertaining to the disc’s A/V quality and extras. Adam did a great write-up of the film itself in his 2003 DVD Special Edition review here, so we carried that part over. The new edition streets on April 21st, and it’s well worth your time and money. It improves upon the A/V quality of the previous MGM Blu-ray, preserves the best of the 2003 DVD extras, and adds great new material too. Don’t miss it!

Stay tuned...

- Bill Hunt

Published in My Two Cents

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We’ve got a couple quick things for you to kick Monday off right and then we’ll be back later this afternoon with more…

First, you may have heard the news that broke out of Wonder-Con this weekend, that Twin Peaks creator David Lynch has left the new Showtime series reboot project. It all started with word that the plug had actually been pulled on the show, but then word spread that Lynch has told the actors he was leaving because Showtime wouldn’t pony up the money he needed to do it right. Lynch himself tweeted that this was the case – that the production was likely to continue, but not with his involvement. Then Showtime issued a hasty statement to the effect that they were continuing to negotiate with Lynch’s people on the matter. (You can read more on all this here at Deadline Hollywood.) Our guess is that this is an effort to kick a stalled private negotiation in the ass with a little public outrage and pressure. We’ll see. In any case, we don’t believe Showtime has officially pulled the plug yet, and the two parties may yet find a common ground. We’ll have to wait and see.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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Timed to coincide with the WonderCon convention in Anaheim, you can today pre-order Lost in Space: The Complete Series on Fox Connect for just $99, which is 50% off the SRP of $199.99. There’s no street date given other “Sometime in 2015” but we know that the 18-disc set will include all 84 episodes remastered in HD from the original elements and over 6 hours of extras. [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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Before we get started (and for those of you who may have missed it yesterday), I posted my in-depth review of Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings – Deluxe Edition, which now available on Blu-ray 3D Combo from Fox. More reviews are coming, rest assured.

We’ve updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork and Amazon.com pre-order links as well. Don’t forget that shopping through our links helps to support our work here at The Bits and we appreciate it!  [Read on here…]

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