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Monday, 10 November 2014 16:16

Our Batman '66 BD review, plus Maze Runner, Equalizer, Dolphin Tale 2, classic Disney & more


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Well… it’s taken all weekend to get it finished, but I’ve posted my in-depth review of Warner’s new Batman: The Complete Television Series – Limited Edition Blu-ray box set here at The Bits. The episodes certainly look and sound better than you’ve ever seen them before. The set’s extras are a little bit of a mixed bag, but the packaging and swag are terrific. The set streets tomorrow (get your orders in here). Do give the review a look. I think classic Batman fans will be pleased.

In announcement news today, 20th Century Fox has just set Maze Runner for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/16.  [Read on here…]

Sony has set Antoine Fuqua’s The Equalizer for release on Blu-ray and DVD on 12/30. Digital versions will be available on 12/16. The Blu-ray and DVD will both include 2 featurettes (Home Mart: Taking Care of Business One Bolt at a Time and Children of the Night). The Blu-ray will exclusively add a Vengeance Mode, a photo gallery, and 4 more featurettes (Inside The Equalizer, Denzel Washington: A Different Kind of Superhero, Equalizer Vision: Antoine Fuqua, and One Man Army: Training and Fighting).

FYI, Sony has also set Pride for Blu-ray and DVD release on 12/23. The film stars Bill Nighy.

Meanwhile, Warner will release Dolphin Tale 2 on BD and DVD on 12/9.

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Disney is confirmed to be releasing a number of live-action classics on Blu-ray as exclusives to their Disney Movie Club, but they’re all expected to be released widely in 2015. Included are The Apple Dumpling Gang: 40th Anniversary Edition and The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes: 45th Anniversary Edition (made available on 9/9), the Herbie Rides Again: 40th Anniversary Edition (coming on 12/2), and The Love Bug: 45th Anniversary Edition (coming on 12/16). An Escape to Witch Mountain: 40th Anniversary Edition also seems possible for 2015, given that next year is the film’s 40th anniversary. Thanks to Bits reader Bill M. for the heads-up.

In other release news, Lionsgate will release Little House on the Prairie: Season 4 on Blu-ray on 1/20/15.

City Drive Films has set Alive Inside for Blu-ray and DVD release on 11/18.

And we’ve gotten word that Universal will soon be releasing the classic Battlestar Galactica TV series on Blu-ray in Japan and Australia. We believe it’s essentially the same BD set that’s already available in Germany (and which we reviewed here at The Bits). We have a sneaking suspicion that it’s coming here in the States as well at some point in the months ahead.  We’ve asked Universal to confirm or deny, so we’ll let you know what we hear back from them. Here’s a look at retailer promotional art for the Australia release – thanks to Bits reader Warren H. for sending it along.

JB Hi-Fi promo for classic Battlestar on Blu-ray

We’ll leave you today with a bunch more new Blu-ray Disc cover artwork...

The Maze Runner (Blu-ray Disc)    The Equalizer (Blu-ray Disc)    Nick Cave: 20,000 Days on Earth (Blu-ray Disc)

Dolphin Tale 2 (Blu-ray Disc)    Pride (Blu-ray Disc)    Intruders: Season One (Blu-ray Disc)

Batman: The Complete Television Series (Blu-ray Disc)

Back tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Bill Hunt