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Thursday, 02 August 2018 12:50

Air Force One, Panic Room & Evil Dead on 4K, plus Live and Let Die’s 45th, new BD reviews & Robservations


Today’s update is a quickie, but we’ve got some good stuff for you.

Let’s get the usual site business out of the way first...

We’ve got three new reviews for you today, including Tim’s take on The Addiction: Special Edition Blu-ray from Arrow, David’s thoughts on Let’s Make Love on Blu-ray from Twilight Time, and Dennis’ look back at Laugh-In: The Complete Fifth Season on DVD from Time Life. All are worth checking out.

Also today, we’ve posted a brand new History, Legacy & Showmanship column from our own Michael Coate, in which he takes a look back at Live and Let Die with a roundtable of Bond experts in celebration of the film’s 45th anniversary. It’s a great retrospective and another fine addition to Michael’s Bond series, so definitely give it a read. We think you’ll really enjoy it. [Read on here...]

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Also here at the site today, we’ve just posted the weekly update of our Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD cover artwork and pre-order links. As always, whenever you use our links to shop for literally anything on Amazon, you’re helping to support our work here at the site and we really do appreciate it.

Now then, we’ve uncovered a bunch of great Ultra HD release information for those of you interested in the latest catalog offerings coming to 4K...

First up, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is getting ready to release Hook in 4K (tentative street date is 10/9), along with Air Force One (11/6), Panic Room (est. October), and Philadelphia (est. November). Their Christine UHD is also finally available for pre-order on Amazon via this link.

Also Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has set Constantine: City of Demons for release on Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on 10/9.

Here’s something cool: Lionsgate is getting ready to release the original Evil Dead (1981) in 4K on 10/9 and Evil Dead II on 4K in late October. We hope to have more details on those for you soon.

And we have word that Fox is getting ready to announced the X-Men Trilogy on 4K on 9/25, which would include the original X-Men, X2: X-Men United, and X-Men: The Last Stand.

We’ve updated our 4K Ultra HD Release List here at The Bits accordingly.

Finally today, a personal plug: My old friend Robert Meyer Burnett (who some of you may know for directing Free Enterprise, or for his Star Trek: The Next Generation Blu-ray special features work, or for his more recent appearances on Collider Heroes with the late Jon Schnepp) is getting ready to do something he’s been thinking about for a long time (I know because we’ve talked about it often), which is to start his own YouTube webcast show. It’s going to be called Robservations and it launches at the end of August on his YouTube channel, the Burnettwork. If you’ve ever seen Rob on a Comic-Con panel (like the infamous Starship Smackdown), or had the pleasure of chatting about geek culture with him, you know how entertaining the experience can be. When he and I were working on the Axanar feature script together, I’d ask him a question about classic Star Trek along the lines of: "Hey, do you remember that episode where...?" and Rob would instantly respond with the name of the episode, the names of all the guest characters and the actors who played them, the names of all the other classic movies or TV series they appeared in, and even note that that their character’s story continued in this or that novel, about which he could talk at length, and that’s just one narrow slice of the great panoply of nerd-knowledge he has locked up in his brainpan. Which is a long-winded way of saying that Robservations promises to be a lot of fun, and certainly interesting, and I encourage you all to subscribe and check it out. He’s going to tell stories from his career, interview interesting people, and just all around share his love for everything geek. And few mere mortals have a greater love and enthusiasm for everything geek. You can subscribe for here at this link and see the teaser below…

And we'll leave you with a look at a little bit of upcoming Blu-ray and 4K cover artwork (with Amazon pre-order links if available)...

Batman: The Animated Series (Blu-ray Disc) Christine (4K Ultra HD) Mission: Impossible - Fallout (4K Ultra HD)

All right, back tomorrow with more, including more reviews.Stay tuned!

(You can follow Bill on social media at these links: Twitter and Facebook)