Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!
Thanks for joining me. I’m back again this week to cover some more titles from various genres and labels that we’ve missed along the way, including comedy titles, science fiction, and horror.
Among the offerings will be great titles from the likes of Warner Home Video, Kino Lorber, Shout! and Scream Factory, Scorpion Releasing, and more.
As usual, we’ll be rolling each review out one at a time all week, so be sure to check back for new ones. [Read on here…]
Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!
Thanks for joining me. This week I’m going to focus on our distribution friends from across the pond (having also recently crossed the pond, as well), Arrow Video. So consider this an Arrow Video Catch-Up week.
And by the way, before we get into it, I didn’t get a chance to go see The Witch since my last column (in which I said I would), but hopefully, I will at some point. Right now I have my sights set on the newly-released Zootopia, which looks like a fun and refreshing bit of Disney animation. Anyways, moving on. [Read on here…]
Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!
Thanks for joining me. This week I’m going to catch up on some horror/sci-fi/comedy releases that we’ve missed along the way.
It should be an interesting lot of titles to check out.
As usual, we’ll be rolling each review out one at a time all week, so be sure to check back for new ones. [Read on here…]
Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!
Thanks for joining me for another week of Scream Factory Catch-Up... those folks sure do keep horror fans busy (not that I’m complaining). [Read on here…]
Welcome back for a new edition of Pick-Ups!
Thank you for joining me. This week I’m going to tackle a few Blu-ray titles from 2015 that we’ve missed here at the site... and don’t worry, not all of it will be horror. I’ve actually got some good movies that were released last year for you to check out. I thought I’d also let you know that I’m working on a column that’s Lord of the Rings related. I’m not sure when I’ll have that up for you, but hopefully sometime soon. [Read on here...]